The weekly corporate gathering of the church is a priority at Oakwood. As the Holy Spirit is present within every believer, the gathering of the body magnifies His presence and power. This is a time where God’s love is shared through service and encouragement for the rejuvenation and education of the body. God’s Word is read, preached, and put into practice. Songs of praise, thanksgiving, and rich theology are sung with an emphasis on congregational participation. We believe true worship is fundamentally an active experience of the heart and not a means to anything else. It is the personal surrender of will and authority to that of our wonderful Lord and Savior, and is evident in our lives, our faces, and the song of our heart. Through uniting our lives together in surrender to Jesus Christ, we are allowed to taste and see His power and presence, as we become His hands and feet in the world.


Because we believe God’s word is central to living the Christian life, we ground all our preaching and worship in the Bible. In each sermon, we consider a passage from the Bible, listening to God speak to us through the Holy Spirit. We study the word in both context and content. We then take the truths of scripture and discover together how to integrate the Word of God into our daily lives.


Our calling is to praise God and to inspire active and devoted believers through Gospel-saturated creativity in music and artistic expression. Emphasizing congregational participation, our music includes contemporary songs, traditional hymns and other spiritual songs. These expressions of praise and worship are based in scripture for the purpose of greater understanding and reinforcement of God's truth. Resonating the Gospel though all we do, it is our sincere hope that all will be drawn closer to Jesus, learning and rejoicing with us at His throne.